We will print them to A4 adhesive sheets, four on one page. To achieve this, we convert the A4 shipping list to small, A6-sized stickers with the following bash script:
cd ./labels/
for FILE in *.pdf; do
pdfcrop --margins '30 -420 -70 30' "${FILE}" cropped-"${FILE}"
filelist=`ls cropped-*.pdf`
pdfjam --nup 2x2,landscape $filelist --outfile ../output.pdf
rm cropped-*.pdf
We use the pdfcrop and pdfjam utilities. They are available in the texlive-extra-utils Debian package. In the first step, we cut out the unnecessary parts. In the second, we make an A4-sized sheet with four labels, which is ready to print with a normal laser printer.
Linux is not only on our t-shirts but under the hood too.